Occasional Papers

“At the intersection of research, policy and practice”


Vermont Learning for the Future is hosting a series of “occasional papers” by Vermont researchers and practitioners to inform current educational policy and practice. These papers are intended to inspire through narratives of practice, inform through research, and provide practical suggestions and policy to facilitate the transformation of schools on their journeys to becoming environments infused with Equity, Sustainability, and Joy. Please read, share widely, and consider writing something yourself!

Occasional Paper 3: Place-based education: transforming teaching and learning through community engagement

Place-based learning...'“takes students out of their traditional classrooms into their communities to learn, to do, and to grow as human beings.”

When students are engaged in important conversations, adventurous learning, and meaningful, authentic tasks, the potential for learning is limitless.Read more!


Occasional Paper 2: Developing Friendship and Leadership Among Fifth-grade Boys of Different Ethnic and Racial Backgrounds

“Teaching America’s multicultural heritage may be attainable with adequate curriculum revision and training, but developing dispositions of ethnic/racial equality in white youth requires ongoing contact with people of color…” Read more!

Occasional Paper 1: Project-based learning as an entry point to authentic personalized learning

“Just as we now acknowledge that students require “flexible pathways” to success, educators and schools also require flexible pathways to success in fulfilling the expectations of Act 77…Read more!

Occasional Papers Resources:

Peer coaching, mentoring, and active research and writing supports are available through the VTLFF peer review board. Stipends are available to support research and writing that leads to publication. Contact Kathleen Kesson for more information.