VTLFF in a Time of Uncertainty

So much has changed in a week.... 

In this time of uncertainty and "social distancing," it is some small comfort to know that we are part of something greater than ourselves. As a collective impact network, I hope our loosely-knit community of individuals and organizations is a source of hope and action in the face of adversity. While we may be distant, we still find ways to reach out with love and accountability in our communities. We are not alone, and we are stronger together!

In a moment of reflection, I ask: What can we do to help those in greatest need? How can our schools be a refuge and resource for our communities, even if they "close" for some time? What can we do to advance equity, sustainability and joy? Let's learn together. Share your ideas, your input matters!

The work of VTLFF is emergent, based on shared wisdom and commitment to listening and learning together, opening ourselves to new and creative ways to meet the challenges and opportunities before us. These are unprecedented times, but our goals and determination remain the same:

to support the emergence of a model learning system where all of our youth are engaged in equitable, reciprocal learning relationships that develop individual capabilities and powerful partnerships as they emerge as resilient global citizens committed to creating a just, joyful and sustainable society.

As we evaluate our place and role in this time, we can take lessons from our previous work in complexity and systems change; we know we need to remember a few key ingredients. We commit to plan and act with:

  • Empathy and Compassion - seek understanding, seek justice, support those in the greatest need;

  • Creativity and Collaboration - follow your passion, share your ideas, build solutions together;

  • Openness to Emergence - listen for the unexpected, look for what works, not what you predicted;

  • Love and Accountability - practice radical love, taking responsibility for our failures as much as our success.

Take care of yourself, your family, friends and communities. Share your joy!